Working for Mickleham / Westhumble / Pixham

Our work has included:

Anti-Social Parking

Campaigned against anti-social and inconsiderate parking around the foot of Box Hill and The Stepping Stones: arranged for posts to be installed to prevent parking on the Cycle Track between Burford Lodge and The Stepping Stones, promoted double yellow lines in the slip road between The Stepping Stones and Pixham Lane, on London Road at the foot of Box Hill, and in Westhumble Village.

Norbury Park Car Parks

Successfully opposed the introduction of car parking charges in the Norbury Park Car Parks.

Cycling – Olympic Legacy

Worked to create an effective Olympic Legacy, funding safety features on the Leith Hill mountain bike trail, limiting closed road cycle events to one per year in the area, and lobbying for the regulation of sportives.

Ensured that the Surrey Cycling Strategy recognises that there are a range of opinions about the benefits and negative consequences of cycling and seeks to address the issues caused by sport cycling and mountain biking.

Whilst the RideLondon used Surrey roads, ensured that the PruRideLondon Organisers recognised that the roads remained open to pedestrians during the event (except when the roads are controlled by the police whilst the professional peloton passes) and that competitors and marshals were properly briefed and could anticipate that pedestrians would be using the road during the event.


Arranged for the Royal Mail to consider adding the village name “Pixham” into the formal postal addresses of houses in the village as an “additional Locality” in the same way the names of other villages in the area have the village name in the postal addresses.

Arranged for the kerb in Pixham Lane between the Denbied Roundabout and Pixholme Court to be built out to slow traffic leaving the A24 at the Denbies Roundabout and entering Pixham Lane.

Arranged for a new litter bin on the A25 at the top of the path by The Watermill.

Funded posts for the grass verges close to the Sports Ground to prevent parking on the verges.

Introduced the 30mph roundels in Pixham Lane, the pinch point by the cricket club, and white lining to make the road look narrower to help slow traffic through the village whilst campaigning for a lower speed limits on Pixham Lane.

Arranged for County Highways to install the drainage channel across the top of Riverside to stop water running down the road and destroying the road surface.

Ensured that Pixham Lane by Pixholme Court was repaired after the road surface was damaged by flooding, and that, subsequently, Pixham Lane was resurfaced.

Opposed the potential development of sites in Pixham which were identified during the District Council’s Green Belt Review.

Opposed the introduction of a “no parking restriction” on one side of Leslie Road between Pixham Lane and Riverside.

Arranged the repair of the wooden footbridge at Pixham Mill.

Assisted residents during last winter’s floods and arranged for affected residents to meet with the Environment Agency.

Promoted the successful “Save the 516 bus” campaign.

Opposed the closure of the Pixham Annexe and then contributed to the refurbishment of the Old Pixham School Community Centre and subsequently provided grant funding for the new carpets.

Ensured the Post Box was replaced outside Downs View when the previous post box was demolished on the other side of the road.

Provided funding from the Local Allocation towards the cricket nets at the cricket club and creating the outdoor play area at the nursery.

Arranged for extra lighting on the paths between Pixham and Dorking and along Pixham Lane..

Promoted environmental enhancement schemes which resulted in the bushes in Pixham Lane near Downs View and the area at the end of Leslie Road being tidied.

Arranged for double yellow lines in Pixham Lane opposite Leslie Road to promote safety at the junction and ensure that the refuse lorry could access Leslie Road.

Arranged for the drainage problems in the cycle lane on the A24 near the junction with Pixham Lane to be resolved.


Westhumble Street pavements  and Adlers Lane, Crabtree Lane and part of Westhumble Street resurfaced.

Arranged for the drains at the bottom of Westhumble Street to be cleated and for the drains to be added to the asset register and included in the regular drain jetting programme.

Supported the campaign for the 50mph speed limit on the A24.

Arranged for “Slow” markings on the road eastbound by Westhumble Bridge, white lines near the junction with Camilla Drive, and “Give Way” markings at the junctions of Adlers Lane with Pilgrims Close and Burney Road.

Tidied the overgrowth and dead trees between the footpath and the road in Chapel Lane between Camilla Drive and Pilgrims Way and had the wall near Winterberry rebuilt.

Supported the introduction of the parking restrictions on Westhumble Street, working with the Westhumble Residents Association.

Arranged for the drainage at the A24 Westhumble underpass to be unblocked and then enhanced to minimise the risk of flooding and arranged for the blocked drains and culvert at the bottom of Westhumble Street to be cleared..

Arranged for posts to be placed in the entrances to the Westhumble Underpass to stop cyclists eroding the banks by the barriers and ensured that the barriers were appropriately placed to slow cyclists and promote pedestrian safety.

Promoted the use of a “whispering tarmac” road surface on the A24 to reduce traffic noise from the road which was causing disturbance in the village.

Prominently supported the residents’ campaign to strengthen the railway bridge.


Opposed Surrey Wildlife Trust’s proposal for “camping and glamping” facility in the Phoenice Fields.

Worked with the Environment Agency to ensure measures are taken to reduce the risk of flooding.

Ensured that the broken chevrons on the central reservation of the A24 and on the northbound carriageway and the missing reflector posts on the northbound carriageway were replaced.

Campaigned against the construction of a golf course at Cherkley.

Campaigned for a quieter road surface on the Leatherhead by-pass alongside Givons Grove.

Arranged for the old streetlight column near the Burford Bridge Roundabout to be removed.

Introduced parking restrictions to help the bus to pass through the village unobstructed by parked cars, arranged for the new yellow backed “School” and “Pedestrian” signs either side of Boxhill School to promote road safety, and arranged for the double yellow lines around the foot of Box Hill to be reinstated and for Parking Enforcement Officers to enforce the restrictions on bank holiday weekends.

Arranged for lower speed limits on London Road and the bottom of the Zig Zag to promote road safety and to seek to reduce traffic speeds of cars in the village.

Arranged for the “Clearway” signs to be removed from the northbound carriageway – they should never have been placed on this carriageway.

Provided funding from the Local Allocation to the Saw Mill for a routing machine, to the History Group, to the Village Hall to help create the outdoor play area, and to the nursery school to create the Book corner.

Supported residents living on Norbury Park when faced with eviction.

Ensured the grit bin in School Lane was refilled when omitted from the County Council’s supported grit bin list.

Improved the public parking area on the A24 alongside the Frascati Resteraunt through cutting back the overgrowth around the area.

Promoted the millennium development at High Ashurst to create the new outward bound facility at the site.

Supported the residents campaign to bring superfast broadband to the village.

4 thoughts on “Working for Mickleham / Westhumble / Pixham

  1. Paul Daubney says:

    Hi could something get done with the path from Deepdene vale to Pixham under the bridge as the path is subsiding quite a big dip. Thank you. Paul Daubney.

    • hazelwatson says:

      Paul – Many thanks for letting me know about this. I will come down and photograph the problem and will then report the subsidence for repair. – Hazel

  2. Jenny Hudlass says:

    Hi Hazel The filter across from the southbound carriageway across to Westhumble Street is still not giving a satisfactory sight line for northbound traffic approaching in the fast lane/ filter. They have made a brilliant job elsewhere but a few metres more at this spot would alleviate what could be a nasty accident.

    • hazelwatson says:

      Jenny – I have just driven through this junction and can only agree with you as the bend in the road together with the long grass conceals cars in the outside lane. I will ask the County Council to cut the grass back slightly more next time – I cannot get them back to cut again as this would involve a road closure order for the operatives to work within 1.5m of the highway which is expensive and by the time the order is obtained it will be time for the next cut. – Hazel

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