Our work has included:
Real Time Passenger Information
Arranged for Real Time Passenger Information to be provided at the Bus Stops on The Green and by Broomfield Park.
Heritage Streetlights
Funded the installation of hetitage streetlights near the shops – linking the existing heritage lights on The Green and near the Pubs and along Balchins Lane.
St John’s Seat
Provided funding for the seat around the tree at St John’s Chapel.
Traffic Calming on the A25
Funded the initial small vehicle activated signs and promoted the subsequent permanent signs, supported the community speed watch, and reduced the speed limits either side of the village to help reduce speed limits through the village.
Road Resurfacing & Footpath Maintenance
Promoted the resurfacing of residential roads: Furlong Road, Bailey Road, Ashley Road, Watson Road, St John’s Road, Springfield Road, The Burrell, The Green, Hole Hill, part of Parsonage Lane, Broomfield Park, Guildford Road between School Lane and Broomfield Park, and repairs in Logmore Lane and Balchins Lane.
Arranged for the footpath along the A25 from Balchins Lane up to the Wotton Hatch to be dug out and reinstated so that the path can be used by walkers.
Cycling – Olympic Legacy
Worked to create an effective Olympic Legacy, funding safety features on the Leith Hill mountain bike trail, limiting closed road cycle events to one per year in the area, and lobbying for the regulation of sportives.
Ensured that the Surrey Cycling Strategy recognises that there are a range of opinions about the benefits and negative consequences of cycling and seeks to address the issues caused by sport cycling and mountain biking.
Whilst the RideLondon used Surrey roads, ensured that the PruRideLondon Organisers recognised that the roads remained open to pedestrians during the event (except when the roads are controlled by the police whilst the professional peloton passes) and that competitors and marshals were properly briefed and could anticipate that pedestrians would be using the road during the event.
Tidying the Area
Arranged for the area at the entrance to Broomfield Park and the triangle at the entrance to Balchins Lane to be tidied with bushes cut back and other excess vegetation removed.
Bus Shelter, Dovecote, and Zebra Crossing
Provided funding to renew the thatching of the bus shelter and the dovecote and arranged funding so that the faded zebra crossing could be repainted.
Pelican Crossing
Campaigned for and delivered the pelican crossing across the A25 by the school and then ensured that the railing near the crossing was extended to promote the safety of children walking to school.
Schools Review
Initiated the Schools Review that led to the combination of Westcott Village and Abinger Common schools, safeguarding the future of the Abinger Common School site, with the creation of the amalgamated Surrey Hills School and piloted the funding proposals through the County Council for the new Junior School building at the Westcott site.
High Footpath
Ensured the fencing on the high footpath leading to School Lane was repaired and that the vegetation was cut back to facilitate the use of the path and enable a local resident to enhance the area with the new brick wall.
Bridge – Westcott Street / Balchins Lane
Ensured the footbridge over the brook between Westcott Street and Balchins Lane was replaced when it collapsed.
Village Centre Posts
Arranged the installation of the wooden posts in the village centre to protect the grass verges and the granite setts.
Triangle – Junction of Logmore Lane and Westcott Common
Arranged for the grass triangle at the junction of Logmore Lane and Westcott Common to be reinstated and bordered with cobbles to protect the edge of the road from subsidence.
Footpath from Lower Springfield Farm to Milton Court Farm
Supported residents in arranging for the footpath from Lower Springfield Farm to Milton Court Farm to be designated as a public right of way by foot.
Footpath from Village to Springfield Road
Worked to clear vegetation and overhanging trees to ensure the footpath remained passable.
Springfield Road
Ensured that the Housing Association accepted responsibility for maintaining the trees and area near 43 Springfield Road and that the area was tidied up.
St John’s Chapel – Reading Room – Youth Club
Provided grant funding for audio visual equipment and carpets at the Chapel, for toys at the Cookie Club at the Chapel, towards the repair of the roof at the Reading Room, and for a basketball game for the youth club.
Signage by Unum
Arranged for a road sign highlighting the existence of the Unum turning to be installed to highlight the possibility of waiting cars and promote road safety.
Milton Street
Arranged for the wooden parapets to be installed on the bridge over the culvert, the bridge at the end of the road to be repaired, and promoted proposals to limit HGV access from the road.
Parsonage Lane
Arranged for a drainage channel and enlarged drain to be installed at the bottom of the footpath which leads to Heath Rise and for the grass area to be tidied.
Arranged, with guidance from the Westcott Village Association, for the resurfacing of part of the path between Parsonage Lane and Heath Rise to improve the drainage in the area and reduce the risk of flooding.
Local Allocation Funding
Provided funding to the Cookie Club, to the Youth Club at St Johns Community Centre, for a basket ball game at The Hut, and to help repair the roof at the Reading Room.
Arranged for a drainage channel near the shops to prevent water collecting on the road and improved drainage at the bottom of Balchins Lane by the brook.
Worked with the County Council and their appointed hydrologist to minimise the risk of flooding at the bottom of Bailey Road through improving the waterflow into the Westcott House Lake.
Westcott Meadow
Campaigned to prevent building on Westcott Meadow.
Dairy Site
Promoted the construction of social housing on the former dairy site off The Burrell.
Dear Hazel, As always I am impressed by the strength of endeavour and scope of the work initiated and completed. Well done.
I am aware of certain areas within the village in need of attention but that maybe outside of your remit and have been let go by those whose remit it is.
For example, there is a roadside bank of Japanese knottweed (a notifiable pest) at the top of Heath Rise, at the intersection with Westcott Heath and Logmore Lane, on Westcott PCC land. I (as a qualified pesticide user) have presented this to the PCC as needing attention. For some reason this has not been attended to. Therefore I feel obliged to inform you of it, as it is on a roadside with public access.
Thank you for your continued support.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention but it really is up to Westcott PCC to deal with the Knotweed as it is on their land. If it spreads onto public land I will ask the County Council to address the contaminated public land.