Free Holiday Activities for Children
Introduced free holiday activities for children throughout the District in conjunction with local clubs.
Memorial Wall at Dorking Cemetery
Commissioned the memorial wall and garden at Dorking Cemetery so that families can scatter loved one’s ashes locally and place a brass memorial plaque on the wall.
Tackling Fly-Tipping on Rural Lanes
Purchased mobile cameras for deployment in rural lanes to deter fly-tipping and to provide evidence to assist in the prosecution of those who fly-tip.
Launched the “Only Losers Litter” publicity campaign which wards drivers that they could face a fine if they, or their passengers, are caught dropping litter from their cars.
Car Parking Strategy
Supported the car parking strategy which allows for parking to be paid for by the minute with a minimum charge of 60p, ending the annual increase in off-street car parking charges.
Campaigned for and delivered Season Tickets for Residents in the District Council Car Parks at a rate significantly lower than commuter charges levied on non-residents and for discounted Season Tickets for lower paid workers working in Dorking town centre businesses.
Campaigned for and delivered a limited number of spaces with 30 minute fee parking to allow residents to “pop-and-shop” in our market towns thereby helping improve the economic prosperity and vitality of our market towns.
Green Belt Protected
Opposed inappropriate development in the Green Belt such as the golf course at Cherkley, oil drilling in Coldharbour, and house building in the green fields between Dorking and Westcott.
Office to Residential Conversions
Opposed the conversion of modern office blocks which provide significant local employment (and help maintain the economic prosperity of our towns through employees using the towns during their lunch breaks) into residential flats and the overdevelopment of other sites. Supported the conversion of offices that cannot be refurbished to modern office standards into residential blocks.
Town Enhancement
Promoted the West Street environmental enhancement scheme that refurbished the roadscape along the whole street, the maintenance and painting of the ironwork in the town, the use of York Stone paving throughout the town, and the installation of heritage streetlights in the conservation areas.
Dorking Area Action Plan
Safeguarded St Martin’s Walk and views of St Martin’s Church and supported limited brown-field housing development proposals in zoning Vine Court in Station Road and Federated House in Lincoln Road for housing through amendments to the Dorking Area Action Plan. Opposed additional supermarkets on the Curtis Road Depot site and at St Martin’s Walk which would have gridlocked traffic in the town.
Promoted the Meadowbank facility as a recreation facility: continually revamping the children’s play area over the years and ensuring the redevelopment of the Football club ground included a café for general use.
Dorking Halls and Swimming Centre
Led the project to refurbish the Dorking Halls to its current standard and introduce the cinema and to build the then new Sports Centre with both a swimming pool and dry sports hall.
Council Tax Benefit
Ensured that the least well off were not adversely affected when Council Tax Benefit was reduced by raising funds through reducing discounts on empty properties and second homes.
Social Housing Allocations
Secured higher priority for social housing in our villages for residents of rural communities with long-standing local connections.
Recycling Extended
Extended door-step recycling to include plastic food trays, pots and tubs together with textiles and smaller electrical items.
Opposed cuts in grants to the Citizens Advice Bureau and the Arts.
Johnstons Sweepers
Supported the construction of the new factory building by Johnstons Sweepers which provides employment (with new apprenticeships) in the town and which allowed the company to concentrate all its manufacturing on a single UK site.