We have been seeking to install a pedestrian crossing on Chalkpit Lane near Triangle Stores to create a safer walking route to St Martins and The Ashcombe Schools since we lost the crossing patrol person (and were unable to replace them – partially as it was thought to be unsafe to have a crossing patrol at this location) in 2010.
The County Council met with me in Chalkpit Lane on 14 September 2016 to re-review this proposal and this meeting has resulted in the potential scheme for a pedestrian crossing in Chalkpit Lane being added to the County Council’s Integrated Transport Scheme list for potential funding.
The next step is for the required funding to be approved by the Mole Valley Local Committee. To help the Committee decide in favour of funding this pedestrian crossing, please add your name to this petition. The more signatures we get, the more likely it is that we will get a pedestrian crossing where we used to have the crossing patrol.
The petition can be signed at: https://signme.org.uk/1266